sensION+ 5057 laboratory ORP electrode for general applications, Hach

sensION+ 5057 laboratory ORP electrode for general applications, Hach
# de producto: LZW5057.97.0002
Precio final Contacto Hach

Universal design for a variety of applications

The refillable reference and platinum wire sensor provides accurate, stable results over a wide range of applications

Encapsulated cartridge reference system ensures premium stability and long lifespan

The innovative reference system of the 5057 utilizes a “cartridge” of Ag/AgCl crystals contacting a silver wire inside a glass tube. This design ensures a high level of performance, stability and longevity.

Contenido de la caja

Includes: sensION+ 5057 laboratory combination ORP/Redox electrode, 3.0M KCl electrolyte refill solution (30 mL), and Basic User Manual.


Connector: BNC Connector
Contenido de la caja: Includes: sensION+ 5057 laboratory combination ORP/Redox electrode, 3.0M KCl electrolyte refill solution (30 mL), and Basic User Manual.
Dimensiones (A x L): 12 mm x 130 mm
Distancia máxima de sensor a controlador: Platino
Exactitud: 0,2 mV con medidor MM340
  0,2 mV con medidor MM374
  0,2 mV con medidor pH31
  1 mV con medidor pH3
Garantía: 12 meses
Length: 130 mm
Longitud de cable: 1 m
Material: Cuerpo del sensor: vidrio
Parámetro: ORP
Rango: ± 2000 mV
Rango de temperatura: 0 - 80 °C
Solución de llenado: LZW9500.99
Termistor: -
Tipo: Lab
Tipo de sonda: Laboratorio
Unión: Patilla de cerámica